LEED PRM / Barcap Offices, Santander Data Center
Barcap Offices
Christina Galyfianaki undertook for Hurleypalmerflatt’s LEED assesment team the energy model for the PRM (Performance Rating Method) of ASHRAE Standard 90.1.
The software employed for the Dynamic Thermal Model was EDSL/TAS. The LEED model was not submitted. The assessment was terminated as the building didn’t satisfy the prerequisites and thus could not be granted with LEED certification.
What is LEED
Prerequisites and credits differ for each rating system, and teams choose the best fit for their project.
There are four levels of certification the number of points a project earns determines the level of LEED certification that the project will receive. Typical certification thresholds are:
The credits are granted after a percentage improvement rating in the proposed building is compared wirt the performance rating of the baseline building. The Performance Rating Method is described in Appendix G of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 (with errata but without addenda). ASHRAE is the the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers and it sets standards and guidelines relating to HVAC systems and issues.
Satander Data Center
For Hurleypalmerflatt’s LEED assessment Christina Galyfianaki undertook the PRM (Performance Rating Method of ASHRAE Standard 90.1), she completed the dynamic thermal modeling with e-Quest but handed it over to the team before the final LEED submission.