1. Chania-museum Ecodynamis

    Chania Museum

Museum of Chania Competition


  1. Conceptual
  2. Museums
This is modular composition. This means that the architectural synthesis is employing a module as the basis of design or construction.The museum can expand to the “infinite space” organically towards the horizon or sky on both axis; East- West or North- South. The building has been placed in the center of the site so that it will be easier for the exhibition halls, the laboratories and the administration sector to expand under request in the future according to the demand.

The narrow long spaces at the East- West axis refer mainly to circulation areas whereas the wider rectangular spaces of this axis to main areas.

This is a collaboration work with Attelier A66, Costis Alexakis, Alexandros Mykonatis for an architectural competition.

Chania Museum Ecodynamis

Lower Ground Level


Chania Museum Ecodynamis

Upper Ground Level

Chania Museum Ecodynamis

Roof Plan

The Axis’

The East- West axis is intensified by the stairway to the the entrance.

There is a patio expanding at the North-South axis that can serve outdoors exhibitions.

Chania-museum Ecodynamis

Entrance view – long axix

The Minoan Symbol


The configuration of the two extruding elements at the front elevation is attributed to the symbol of Minoan horns of consecration.

Chania-museum Ecodynamis

East Elevation

Exhibition ares have customized skylights which form deter direct sun rays to the exhibits.

Chania-museum Ecodynamis


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