1. Pylos-Parat-photo-lsc-1000

Preservation and Upgrading of Divari Lagoon


  1. Conceptual
Diploma thesis:“Preservation and upgrading of the Divari lagoon”, 1999.
The content of this thesis was the support with architectural means of the diverse uses of land while preserving and upgrading of an ecological sensitive region. It is placed at the south-west edge of Peloponnisos, it is a salty marshy lake between the sea and the land.

The landscape consists on a narrow stripe of land that separates the  sea gulf at the west and Divari lagoon – a semi-salty marshy land in a enclosed shape between the land, the stripe of land, and Korifasio hill at the north. The area is characterized as an exceptional wetland for the migratory birds and as one of the rar habitat of chameleon.

It bears intense marks of overexploitation, cultivation and fishing as well as the draining attempts of the past to cultivate it which traces still remain as land stripes on a grid .

The human uses and interest for this area is sea and sun-bathing at the west side of the stripe of land between the laggon and the sea during summer months, site seeing and bird watching in the lagoon and visiting the historical castle of Korifasion at the north. There is potential for touristic growth nearby so the control and channeling of human courses and assemblies is imperative.

In the context of an attempt for environmental education and sensitization of the public a net of courses is organized together with an effort to constrain the flow of the tourists at specific parts that are less sensitive for the ecosystem. The course is supported by the basic facilities whilst with suitable infrastructure the recreation is limited in selected regions.

Elements of Topography

  1. Stripe of land
  2. Marshy laggon
  3. Cultivated land
  4. Korifasio hill with castle
  5. Sand dunes
  6. Draining grid remains
Divari topography ecodynamis

Site Topography


View from Korifasio hill

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1. Marshy land …………………………………………….2. Inundaded land …………………………………………..3. Sea shore
The selection of the architectural elements employed is based upon the reversibility and weight lightness of the construction, the materials  compatibility with the ecosystem and their embodied energy,  and the harmonization of their form within nature.
After the principles were determined the study was focused at the design of the installations in the unit of entry – where most recreational, informational and activities facilities are found.

Unit of Entry elements:

A. The parking lot.
B. The kiosk of information divided in two sections: Section B1 ecological value of region display , Section B2 archaeological and historical value display.
Γ. The unit of canteen that contains:
Δ. The bicycle stands
Ε. The changing screens
ΣΤ. The showers
Ζ. The course to the jetty
Η. The jetty

Divari Site Plan Ecodynamis

General Plan – Unit of Entry

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Unit of Entry – Model

Once the visitor of the site approaches he has the alternative to either visit the information kiosk, or pass it by along the information back walls and the bushes to head towards the canteen.
The information kiosk is secluded with elements; either nature or it own construction that is forms so it resembles natural elements.
It consists of two supporting wire-framed stones walls. The direction of the walls leads the sight to distinguished points of the lagoon and to the castle at Koryfasion hill. Along the walls the visitor ascends to the observation point through earth steps with wooden risers and along suspended tables of information about ecological and historical facts of the region. The main construction has a wooden bearing structure and is in open space since it is mainly used on summer season. The roof is made of extended fabric and in the future will be substituted by climbing plants. There is a horizontal slot along the wooden wall at the first unit for the kiosk for the observation  of the birds.
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Information desk – Plan Level 1

Pylos Information desk ecodynamis

Information desk – Plan Level 2

Pylos Information desk ecodynamis

Information desk – Plan Level 3

Pylos Information desk ecodynamis

Information desk – Elevation


Pylos Information desk ecodynamis

Information Desk – Model

Continuing the course the visitors pass through a protected route between bushes and wired framed stone walls to the canteen unit and the jetty.

The Canteen accommodates:

  1. The canteen and ticket box office for bicycles and boat sightseeing
  2. The 3 WCs
  3. The tables-benches installation
  4. The showers
  5. The jetty path to it
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Canteen Unit Plan

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Canteen Unit Model


Natural Landscape  rules the Morphology

The role of architecture, as it appears, is to form and redefine itself by following Nature’s rules and thus display the natural environment.

The main concept is that the Natural Landscape  rules the Morphology and not the opposite; the artificial elements do not dominate the nature.

The topography of the ground, the order of the thickets, the plantation in general, and the views to distinguished points of the natural landscape are the means that designate the composition.

Natural ElementsEcodynamis


The tables-benches installation unfolds and reproduces the wooden deck organically. A concrete block with grill supports the table whilst is used for barbecuing.

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Benches instalation


The showers are backed up by the shrubbery. Two sliding slabs, a wooden grill and shower poles constitute the installation.


Showers installation

The Jetty is a wooden construction with 2 sliding rectangles for floor level and canopy

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The Jetty

The study also includes draft studies in other spots of the site such as the restoration of the old pump-house destined for future scientific purposes and other additional installations as the bird watching hide in the marshes.

The Bird Watching Hide is secluded from the back with earth retained by a stone wall and from the front with wooden construction, while the thick shrubbery on the sides hides the route to it.

Bird watching hide ecodynamis

Bird watching hide

The Pump Unit. These are drafts of the area where the old pump house is located and is intended to be used for scientific research upon the ecology of the laggon.

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The Pump House Unit

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