Housing Right-to-Light UK
- Bridge House
- Yeoman Street
These studies consider the impacts of neighborhood isolation and daylight factors and over-shading from the proposed development to satisfy the BRE criteria of Right-to-Light “Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight” (SLP) published by the BRE. They aslo review the new development own daylight factors for selected living rooms and bedrooms as well as the annual isolation level of sunlight received by their windows.
Yeomann Street Residential Development
Overshadowing to Neighbors
Bridge House Residential Development
Sunlight restriction to neighbors
For this case the the Radiance software tool was employed to review the surrounding residential buildings annual isolation with and without the new development.
Daylight restriction to neighbors
The BRE discretionary guidance states that “a window may be adversely affected if the vertical sky component (VSC) at the centre of the window is less than 27% and less than 0.8 times its former value”.
For this case the the Radiance software tool was employed to review the surrounding residential building windows VSC with and without the new development.
Neighbors daylight Factor before and after the develpoment