Acropolis Museum Competition


  1. Conceptual
  2. Museums
The building is treated as an “arc” located on a particularly charged area of Attica, in the heart of the city, above the traces of history.
The proposal is about an “enveloped” volume, situated on the given “mine-layered” ground.
The unities of the museum are unfolding around an atrium, whose dimensions are relevant to Parthenon’s frieze and thus determinative for the composition.
Inside the atrium we find the cafeteria of the museum, whose floor partly covers the excavations beneath it. The visual contact with the Acropolis was as exploited as it was possible, given the surrounding buildings and context.
The wide outdoor spaces communicate with each other through the passage created by the excavations at the North side of the Weiler building.

This is a collaboration work with Attelier A66, 2002

Acropolis-Museum plan74,75

Site lower ground floor plan

Acropolis-Museum plan main

Main Exhibition floor plan

Acropolis-Competition Ecodynamis

Front Elevation


Acropolis-museum top floor

Top Floor and Roof Plan

Acropolis-museum maketa

Physical Model

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